Bitterroot Trail Preservation Alliance:
Spring is on the way! With that comes encouragement to get out and use our beautiful Bitterroot Trail to enjoy the Bitterroot Valley whether it be by walking, jogging, biking, skate boarding, horseback, or any other nonmotorized means.
In preparation for this year's enjoyment of the Bitterroot Trail, the Bitterroot Trail Preservation Alliance will be holding its Annual Members' Meeting on Monday, March 13, 2023 in person in the upstairs meeting room at the Lolo Peak Brewery. The meeting room will be available at 6:30 PM for those desiring to meet with us in person. Due to some continuing concerns regarding COVID-19 we will also provide access to the meeting via Google Meet beginning at 7:00 PM. Please RSVP below to receive the connection information.
For those meeting with us in person BTPA will be providing an array of appetizers in the meeting room beginning at 6:30. No-host beverages and additional food may be ordered from the Lolo Peak menu.
We will have a brief business meeting to accomplish the required tasks of electing board members for the next 3 years and providing attendees with an organization update and financial report from 2022. You do not need to be a member of BTPA to attend this meeting. However only members will be eligible to vote to confirm the board members for the coming year. You can become a member here on our website anytime before the meeting to be eligible to vote.
We have 1 current Board Member whose term is expiring this year, Robin Spaziani. Robin has agreed to serve another 3 year term to serve with the 5 continuing Board Members. We are still open to additional nominations for our Board of Directors to bring our total Board up to our maximum of 9 Directors.
If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate, please see the "BTPA Board Information Sheet". You may download or print this document and the additional linked documents listed at the bottom of the information sheet. One of the linked documents is a "Board Member Application and Questionnaire" which will need to be returned as indicated on the questionnaire. On the menu bar select "File" then "Download" and your preferred document format or select "Print".
After the business meeting, there will be time to socialize, in person or within the Google Meet, with fellow users of the Bitterroot Trail and talk with BTPA Board members about your concerns related to the trail and what you would like to see improved or provided. This is also an opportunity to determine if you would like to become a Board Member to help us move forward with improvements to the trail. We have 3 open positions for new energetic Board members.
Please RSVP below so that we can anticipate how many will be joining this meeting. You will ONLY receive the G-Meet connection information in the confirmation email to your RSVP.
After you submit your RSVP, you will be linked to a Survey page to indicate how you plan to attend, In person or Via Google Meet. Please do not skip this survey as it will aid us in ordering appetizers for the meeting.

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