2018 Birthday Ride with Ethel MacDonald

Bicyclist friends join us to celebrate Ethel's 80th birthday with a ride of 80, 8, or ?? miles on our great Bitterroot Trail on Saturday, March 31. Depending on conditions, Ethel may allow herself to opt for 80 kms instead of miles, and still call it a celebration. We ride to celebrate and honor Ethel as one of Missoula's preeminent advocates for active and sustainable transportation. Ethel continues to be an inspiration to many of us to continue biking and walking for transportation as long as we can.

Last year 8 people joined for varying distances, with Bob Wachtel doing the whole 79 miles with Ethel. We will leave Ethel's house at 9 a.m. sharp, or you can meet us on the trail at appropriate times given riding times to your preferred location. Bring or buy a lunch along the way, and have pizza and beer at the end at Free Cycles Missoula starting at 6:00 PM until ?. Please, NO cards or gifts, but donations to Free Cycles or Bitterroot Trail Preservation Alliance are welcome. Keep in touch through email or messenger.

For those who want to start with Ethel in Missoula, gather on Central Avenue between Park St. and Thames St. before 9:00 am. Last year several joined the ride near the Reserve St. bike/ped bridge or just further south at the intersection of Old 93, Miller Creek Rd., and Brooks St. Others joined in at various other locations along the trail biking only their desired distance to accompany Ethel. 

Come and share the joy of biking with Ethel and friends. Please be aware that this is a casual unorganized ride with each rider responsible for their own safety before, during, and after the ride.

You may respond below and we will look for you to participate but an RSVP is not necessary.


March 31, 2018 at 9:00am - 7pm
Missoula and the Bitterroot Trail
316 W Central Ave
Missoula, MT 59801
United States
Google map and directions
Bob Wachtel

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