Bitterroot Trail Preservation Alliance Event:
Although there is still snow on the ground, Spring is on the way. With that comes encouragement to get out and use our beautiful Bitterroot Trail to enjoy the Bitterroot Valley whether it be by walking, jogging, biking, skate boarding, horseback, or any other nonmotorized means.
In preparation for this years enjoyment of the Bitterroot Trail, the Bitterroot Trail Preservation Alliance will be holding its Annual Members' Meeting on Monday, March 4, 2019 at Lolo Peak Brewing Co. beginning at 6:00 PM. We will have a brief business meeting to accomplish the required tasks of electing board members for the coming year and providing attendees with an organization update and financial report from 2018. You do not need to be a member of BTPA to attend this meeting. However only members will be eligible to vote to confirm the board members for the coming year. Our Treasurer/Membership Manager will be happy to accept your application for membership at the meeting or you can sign up here on our website.
Appetizers will be provided. No host beverages and full meals from Lolo Peak Brewing Company's wide selection of beverages and meals will be available.
After the business meeting, there will be time to socialize with fellow users of the Bitterroot Trail and talk with BTPA Board members about your concerns related to the trail and what you would like to see improved or provided. This is also an opportunity to determine if you would like to become a Board Member to help us move forward with improvements to the trail.
Please RSVP below so that we can anticipate how many will be attending.

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